The Fat Brando

I ate this at Home, A Bar

Fri, Aug 17, 2018

Read in 1 minutes

Aporkalypse Now.

The Fat Brando

The number 8 burger for this year’s #portlandburgerweek is the Fat Brando from Home: A Bar, and for the second year in a row they took something that sounds nasty and made it delicious. The Fat Brando isn’t the same triumph that last year’s “Picnic” burger was (it ends up being a favorite for both me and Marina), but it’s a tasty balance of flavors and not the horrifying grease pile (the horror…the horror…) it looks like in the official photography. In fact, in a possible Burger Week first, the real thing actually looks better than the promo shots.

A partially eaten Fat Brando

What exactly did I eat?

← Big Mike Buckaroo Burger →